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Mortal kombat 2 game genie codes snes

Download Mortal kombat 2 game genie codes snes

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  • Rank: 8886
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BSFree - Codes without the BullshitCan't find what you're looking for? Try GameHacking.orgList All Kombbat HackersHome >> Super Nintendo >>Game Genie >>Mortal Kombat 2NameCode(s)Extra Audio Codes5Modify Various Sounds20Modify Front Screen Name Sound2(The Sound When You Choose Your Player)12Modify Winning Name Sound56(Sound When You Win)43Miscellaneous Codes96Player 1 Codes36Player 2 Codes36NameCodeHacker(s)Infinite ContinuesC2C4-47AAGaloobStart With 0 ContinuesDF8C-CDDAGaloobStart With 2 ContinuesD78C-CDDAGaloobStart With 6 ContinuesD58C-CDDAGaloobStart With 8 ContinuesDB8C-CDDAGaloobPlayer 1 Is InvincibleC2B1-14F7GaloobPlayer 2 Or Computer Is Killed By One HitDDB5-1FF7GaloobPlayer 2 Or Computer Is InvincibleC2B5-14F7GaloobPlayer 1 Is Killed By One HitDDB1-1FF7GaloobDisable Throws (2-Player Mode)622B-C7ACGaloobInfinite Time6DC7-1DAAGaloobMileena's Sai Throw Does Massive Damage06E1-17D4GaloobLiu Kang's High Fireball Does Massive Damage06E9-1DD7GaloobKung Lao's Hat Throw Does Massive Damage06E2-1767GaloobCage's Shadow Kick Does Massive Damage06EF-4767GaloobReptile's Force Ball Does Massive Damage06EB-17AFGaloobShang Tsung's Flaming Skull Attack Gsnie Massive Damage06E0-4FA4GaloobKitana's Fan Throw Does Massive Damage06E9-17A4GaloobBaraka's Blade Spark Does Massive Damage06EE-C4A4GaloobRayden's Lightning Bolt Does Massive Damage06E4-34DFGaloobAlways Fight Kung Lao 1CBC6-3D6EDDC6-3DAEGaloobAlways Fight Liu KangCBC6-3D6EDFC6-3DAEGaloobAlways Fight CageCBC6-3D6ED4C6-3DAEGaloobAlways Fight BarakaCBC6-3D6ED7C6-3DAEGaloobAlways Fight KitanaCBC6-3D6ED0C6-3DAEGaloobAlways Fight MileenaCBC6-3D6ED9C6-3DAEGaloobAlways Fight Shang TsungCBC6-3D6ED1C6-3DAEGaloobAlways Fight RaydenCBC6-3D6ED5C6-3DAEGaloobAlways Fight Sub-ZeroCBC6-3D6ED6C6-3DAEGaloobAlways Fight ReptileCBC6-3D6EDBC6-3DAEGaloobAlways Fight ScorpionCBC6-3D6EDCC6-3DAEGaloobAlways Fight JaxCBC6-3D6ED8C6-3DAEGaloobAlways Fight KintaroCBC6-3D6EDAC6-3DAEGaloobAlways Fight Shao KahnCBC6-3D6ED2C6-3DAEGaloobAlways Fight SmokeCBC6-3D6ED3C6-3DAEGaloobAlways Fight Noob SaibotCBC6-3D6EDEC6-3DAEGaloobAlways Fight JadeCBC6-3D6EFDC6-3DAEGaloobWarps The Opponents 2E12A-176Estevengwc@aol.comScorpion's Trip Is DisabledE127-176EGaloobAwesome Fatalities!!

3CDEE-1F0Aawock98@aol.comMileena's Roll Always Bounces Up Like Blocked2228-37AEdarthtsungMileena's Roll Doesn't Bounce When BlockedDD28-37AEdarthtsungLao's Hat High, Can Pull And Rethrow Quickly57E9-C76AdarthtsungLao Dive Kick Never Connects6D3B-47DAdarthtsungLao Dive Kick Never Connects, And Makes Random SoundsD935-47DAdarthtsungWin 1 Round To See EndingFFC2-1F6Adarthtsung1 Round Wins Match P1C7C2-1F6AdarthtsungSome Kicks Are Ultra SlowFFB4-3FF7darthtsungAlmost All Kicks Are Ultra SlowDDB4-3FF7darthtsung2P Plays As Current CPU Opponent 4BBB0-37AEdarthtsung5 Rounds of Fighting, Then GameoverBBBE-37AEdarthtsungMany Sprites Are Scrambled (i.e.

Dragon On Tomb Stage, New Champ Medal, Etc.)F9AC-3FF7darthtsungBoth Players Locked Together On Far Left88E9-44B7darthtsungPlayer Color Inverted, Normal, Invisible Depending On Stage And Current LocationC4E8-44B7darthtsungDifferent Projectiless Only Useful At Different Range, Some Not At AllC4EA-44B7darthtsungScrambled Fighters2469-340FdarthtsungWhen You Select Players, It Plays A Random Sound (Players Don't Pose On Select Screen)EEE5-140AdarthtsungMileena's Telekick, Roll Combo 5DD20-37AEBB28-376EdarthtsungMileena's Roll Is Superfast (Better Version Than Previous Version)442B-3F6EdarthtsungMileena's Roll Is Superfast And Goes Out of Full Screen/Glitches172B-3F6EdarthtsungMileena's Roll Doesn't TravelDD2B-3F6EdarthtsungAlter Mileena's Speed Modifier**2B-3F6EdarthtsungMileena's Roll Only Useful In Close QuartersD828-3D6EdarthtsungMileena's Roll Needs Practice7728-3D6EdarthtsungMileena's Roll Is Bouncy Except In Close7828-3D6EdarthtsungMileena's Roll Is Flawless0E28-3D6EdarthtsungMileena's Roll Causes P2 Glitch Jump0228-3D6EdarthtsungNo In-Fight Music Except For Finishing Move0A28-3D6EdarthtsungBlood Never Hits The Ground, More Blood (A Slower Game)82B4-3404darthtsungMileena Roll Skips Across The Screen A Little Way1325-346EdarthtsungLiu Kang's Recovers From Low Fire Really Quick 66D68-37DEdarthtsungLiu's Air Fire Locks Him In Place In Air6D66-376EdarthtsungLiu's High Ground Fire Is Disabled6D63-376EdarthtsungAir Fire Hangs In Air Until You Throw High Or Low Fire6D65-376EdarthtsungUppercuts Take Longer To Direct OpponentEE67-1467darthtsungWeird Fights (Some Attacks Don't Hit, Including Projectiles; Try Different Fatalities)41B0-C4F7darthtsungBackgrounds Weird/Misplaced BG Layers346C-37AFdarthtsungEnable Pause Anywhere In Game 73464-340FdarthtsungEnable Raiden's Shock-Grab When Fighting Kmbat (Either Version)DDC1-3FA1UgetabHave 127 Times More Fatality Time (MK2 V1.0)5EC2-CF02UgetabEnable All 2-Player Rules/Moves When Fighting Computer6DCF-4D9DUgetabHave 127 Times More Fatality Time (MK2 V1.1)5EC3-CF02UgetabEnable All 2-Player Rules/Moves When Fighting Computer (MK2 V1.1)6DCF-4F9DUgetab#Note1For t� Atari� � Atari 2600� � Atari 5200� � Atari 7800� � Atari Jaguar� � Atari Lynx� Sega� � Dreamcast� � Game Gear� � Sega Genesis� � Sega Master System� � Sega Saturn� � 3DO� � Arcade� � CD-i� �� � Neo*Geo� � TurboGrafx 16� Computers � Game Genie� � GG: Game Boy� � GG: Game Gear� � GG: Nintendo� � GG: Sega Genesis� � GG: Super Nintendo� GameShark� � GS: Game Boy Color� � GS: Nintendo 64� � GS: PlayStation� � GS: PlayStation 2� Nintendo Email this Page|Printer Friendly VersionCODE KEY IN.

. EFFECT. . .1 C2C4-47AA Infinite continues2 DF8C-CDDA Start with 0 continues3 D78C-CDDA Start with 2 continues4 D58C-CDDA Start with 6 continues5 DB8C-CDDA Start with 8 continues6 C2B1-14F7 Player 1 is invincible7 DDB5-1FF7 Player 2 or computer is killed by one hit8 C2B5-14F7 Player 2 or computer is invincible9 DDB1-1FF7 Player 1 is killed by one hit10 622B-C7AC Disable throws-2-player mode11 6DC7-1DAA Infinite timeCODES 12 THRU 28: 1-PLAYER ONLY, CAN'T SEE ENDING12 CBC6-3D6E + DDC6-3DAE Always fight Kung Lao13 CBC6-3D6E + DFC6-3DAE Always fight Lui Kang14 CBC6-3D6E + D4C6-3DAE Always fight Cage15 CBC6-3D6E + D7C6-3DAE Always fight Baraka16 CBC6-3D6E + D0C6-3DAE Always fight Kitana17 CBC6-3D6E + D9C6-3DAE Always fight Mileena18 CBC6-3D6E + D1C6-3DAE Always fight Shang Tsung19 CBC6-3D6E + D5C6-3DAE Always fight Rayden20 CBC6-3D6E + D6C6-3DAE Always fight Sub-Zero21 CBC6-3D6E + DBC6-3DAE Always fight Reptile22 CBC6-3D6E + DCC6-3DAE Always fight Scorpion23 CBC6-3D6E + D8C6-3DAE Always fight Jax24 CBC6-3D6E + DAC6-3DAE Always fight Kintaro25 CBC6-3D6E + D2C6-3DAE Always fight Shao Kahn26 CBC6-3D6E + D3C6-3DAE Always fight Smoke27 CBC6-3D6E + DEC6-3DAE Always fight Noob Saibot28 CBC6-3D6E + FDC6-3DAE Always fight Jade-CODE KEY IN.

snea. EFFECT. . .1 C2C4-47AA Infinite continues2 DF8C-CDDA Start vame 0 continues3 Genoe Start with 2 continues4 D58C-CDDA Start with 6 continues5 DB8C-CDDA Start with 8 continues6 C2B1-14F7 Player 1 is invincible7 DDB5-1FF7 Player 2 or computer is killed by one hit8 C2B5-14F7 Player 2 or computer is invincible9 DDB1-1FF7 Player 1 is killed by one hit10 622B-C7AC Disable throws-2-player mode11 6DC7-1DAA Infinite timeCODES 12 THRU 28: ko,bat ONLY, CAN'T SEE ENDING12 CBC6-3D6E + DDC6-3DAE Always fight Kung Lao13 CBC6-3D6E + DFC6-3DAE Always fight Liu Kang14 CBC6-3D6E + D4C6-3DAE Always fight Cage15 CBC6-3D6E + D7C6-3DAE Always fight Baraka16 CBC6-3D6E + D0C6-3DAE Always fight Kitana17 Yame + D9C6-3DAE Always fight Mileena18 CBC6-3D6E + D1C6-3DAE Always fight Shang Tsung19 CBC6-3D6E + D5C6-3DAE Always fight Rayden20 CBC6-3D6E + D6C6-3DAE Always fight Sub-Zero21 CBC6-3D6E + DBC6-3DAE Always fight Snfs CBC6-3D6E + DCC6-3DAE Always fight Scorpion23 CBC6-3D6E + D8C6-3DAE Always fight Jax24 CBC6-3D6E + DAC6-3DAE Always fight Kintaro25 CBC6-3D6E + D2C6-3DAE Always fight Shao Kahn26 CBC6-3D6E + D3C6-3DAE Always iombat Smoke27 CBC6-3D6E + DEC6-3DAE Always fight Noob Saibot28 CBC6-3D6E + FDC6-3DAE Always fight Jade-29 06E1-17D4 Mileena's Sai Throw does massive damage30 06E9-1DD7 Liu Kang's High Fireball does massive damage31 06E2-1767 Kung Lao's Hat Throw does massive damage32 06EF-4767 Cage's Shadow Kick does massive damage33 06EB-17AF Reptile's Force Ball does massive damage34 06E0-4FA4 Shang Tsung's Flaming Skull attack doesmassive damage35 06E9-17A4 Kitana's Snnes Throw does massive damage36 06EE-C4A4 Baraka's Blade Spark does massive damage37 06E4-34DF Rayden's Lightning Bolt does massive damage � Atari� � Atari 2600� � Atari 5200� � Atari 7800� � Atari Jaguar� � Atari Lynx� Sega� � Dreamcast� � Game Gear� � Sega Genesis� � Sega Master System� � Sega Saturn� � 3DO� � Arcade� � CD-i� �� � Neo*Geo� � TurboGrafx 16� Computers � Game Genie� � GG: Game Boy� � GG: Game Gear� � GG: Nintendo� � GG: Sega Genesis� � GG: Super Nintendo� GameShark� � GS: Game Boy Color� � GS: Nintendo 64� � GS: PlayStation� � GS: PlayStation 2� Nintendo Email this Page|Printer Friendly VersionCODE KEY IN agme.

. EFFECT. . .1 C9B2-17AF Infinite time2 D466-3D04 Each round is 199 seconds (time counts downtwice)3 BF66-3DD4 + DD66-3D04 Each round is 90 seconds4 6F66-3DD4 + DD66-3D04 Each round is 80 seconds5 5F66-3DD4 + DD66-3D04 Each round is 70 seconds6 1F66-3DD4 + DD66-3D04 Each round is 60 seconds7 9F66-3DD4 + DD66-3D04 Each round is 50 seconds8 0F66-3DD4 + DD66-3D04 Each round is 40 seconds9 7F66-3DD4 + DD66-3D04 Each round is kombaf seconds10 4F66-3DD4 + DD66-3D04 Each round is 20 seconds11 FF66-3DD4 + DD66-3D04 Each round kkmbat 10 seconds12 DD6A-47AF Always fight in the the Courtyard(tm)WITH CODES 13 THRU 18, SWITCH OFF EFFECTS AFTER ROUNDSSTART, THEN SWITCH BACK ON AFTER ROUNDS END13 CB6A-44AF + DF6A-47DF After 1st match, almost alwaysfight at the Palace Gates(tm)14 CB6A-44AF + D46A-47DF After 1st match, almost alwaysfight in the Warrior Shrine(tm)15 CB6A-44AF + D76A-47DF After 1st match, almost alwaysfight in the Pit(tm)16 CB6A-44AF + D06A-47DF After 1st match, almost alwaysfight in the Throne Room(tm)17 CB6A-44AF + D96A-47DF After 1st match, almost alwaysfight in Goro's Lair(tm)18 CB6A-44AF + D16A-47DF After 1st match, almost alwaysfight in the bottom of the pit (screen says Goro's Lair)FOR CODES 19 THRU 26, SWITCH OFF EFFECTS WHEN YOU'RE SUPPOSEDTO BE FIGHTING SHANG TSUNG(tm)19 CBBA-394F + DDBA-391F Mortal kombat 2 game genie codes snes always fight Moortal CBBA-394F + DFBA-391F Gneie always fight Kano(tm)21 CBBA-394F + D4BA-391F Almost always fight Rayden(tm)22 CBBA-394F + D7BA-391F Almost always fight Liu Kang(tm)23 CBBA-394F + D0BA-391F Almost always fight Scorpion(tm)24 CBBA-394F + D9BA-391F Almost always fight Sub-Zero(tm)25 CBBA-394F + D1BA-391F Almost always fight SonyaBlade(tm)26 CBBA-394F + D5BA-391F Almost always fight Goro(tm)-DON'T USE KANO'S OR JOHNNY CAGE'S FINISHING MOVE ON GORO27 DF61-14DD Start on Match 228 D461-14DD Start on Match 329 D761-14DD Start on Match 430 D061-14DD Start on Match 531 D961-14DD Start on Match 632 D161-14DD Start on Mirror Match(tm)33 D561-14DD Start on Endurance 1 match34 D661-14DD Start on Endurance 2 match35 DB61-14DD Start on Endurance 3 match36 DC61-14DD Start on match with Goro37 D861-14DD Start on match with Shang Tsung38 6DB8-3D67 Always get Flawless Victory(tm) bonus39 DDBC-370F First strike of any kind wins gwnie DDBF-1FA4 All strikes do minimal damage (all equal to 1hit point)-2-PLAYER GAME ONLY, DON'T CHOOSE HANDICAP FOREITHER PLAYERFOR CODE 41, GO TO OPTIONS SCREEN, MOVE PLAYER 1'S HANDICAPBAR ALL THE WAY TO THE RIGHT (11 TIMES).

PLAYER 1 WILL NOWONLY TAKE 1 HIT POINT FOR EACH STRIKE41 D881-404F Can make player 1 nearly invincible in 2-player gameFOR CODES 42 THRU 123, SUBSTITUTE "DD" FOR FIRST 2 CHARACTERSOF CODE TO DO NO DAMAGE. SUBSTITUTE "EE" FOR FIRST 2CHARACTERS TO WIN ROUND WITH ONE MOVE.42 56B9-4DAD All throws do more damage43 F320-1914 Kano's High Punch does more damage44 F320-15C4 Kano's Low Punch does more damage45 0626-1514 Kano's High Kick does more damage46 062B-19C4 Kano's Low Kick does more damage47 0621-1044 Kano's Head Blow does more wnes 0629-1934 Kano's Knee does more damage49 7A26-1944 Kano's Crouched Kick does more damage50 5625-1134 Kano's Uppercut does more damage51 1D27-1544 Kano's Roundhouse Kick does more damage52 7A25-10C4 Kano's Foot Sweep(tm) does more damage53 082C-1144 Kano's Flying Punch(tm) does more damage54 0824-11C4 Kano's Knife does more damage-ONLY ATCLOSE DISTANCE55 F32C-4944 Snez Cage's High Punch does more damage56 F32C-4514 Johnny Cage's Low Punch does more damage57 062B-40C4 Johnny Cage's High Kick does more damage58 042B-4134 Johnny Cage's Low Kick does more damage59 7A2A-4144 Johnny Cage's Head Blow does more damage60 0622-4014 Johnny Cage's Knee does more damage61 F628-4534 Johnny Cage's Crouched Kick does moredamage62 5622-41C4 Johnny Cage's Uppercut does more damage63 1D26-4114 Johnny Cage's Roundhouse Kick does moredamage64 7A28-49C4 Johnny Cage's Foot Sweep does more damage65 0826-4044 Johnny Cage's Flying Punch does more damage66 9C20-41C4 Johnny Cage's Shadow Kick(tm) does moredamage67 0821-4914 Johnny Cage's Fireball does more damage-ONLY AT CLOSE DISTANCE68 1129-4544 Johnny Cage's Split Punch(tm) does moredamage69 F323-C034 Liu Kang's High Punch does more damage70 F323-C544 Liu Kang's Low Punch does more damage71 0624-30C4 Liu Kang's High Kick does more damage72 0624-3134 Liu Kang's Low Kick does more damage73 7A28-C534 Liu Kang's Head Blow does ga,e damage74 062E-C914 Liu Kang's Knee does more damage75 7A2F-3114 Liu Kang� Atari� � Atari 2600� � Atari 5200� � Atari 7800� � Atari Jaguar� mortal kombat 2 game genie codes snes Atari Lynx� Sega� � Dreamcast� � Game Gear� � Sega Genesis� � Sega Master System� � Sega Saturn� � 3DO� � Arcade� � CD-i� �� � Neo*Geo� � TurboGrafx 16� Computers � Game Genie� � GG: Game Boy� � GG: Game Gear� � GG: Nintendo� � GG: Sega Genesis� � GG: Super Nintendo� GameShark� � Mortal kombat 2 game genie codes snes Game Boy Color� � GS: Nintendo 64� � GS: PlayStation� � GS: PlayStation 2� Nintendo Email this Page|Printer Friendly VersionCODE KEY IN.

. EFFECT. . .1 D42E-44D8 Press A on main menu for Sound Test2 D424-17D8 Press Up on main menu for Kool Stuff Menu3 D421-1DD8 Press Select on main menu for Kooler Stuff Menu4 D42B-1FD8 Press X on main menu for Scott's Menu5 6D37-CF02 Player 2 takes all damage6 DD37-CF62 Player 1 takes all damage7 C230-CD62 Player 1 takes no damage8 C239-CD62 Player 2 takes no damageFor all of the following, MASTER ckdes must be selected9 CE8F-3FB7 + BA23-3727 + DDAE-4FFF Always fight Kano10 CE8F-3FB7 + BA23-3727 + DFAE-4FFF Always fight Sonya11 CE8F-3FB7 + BA23-3727 + D4AE-4FFF Always fight Jax12 CE8F-3FB7 + BA23-3727 + D7AE-4FFF Always fight Nightwolf13 CE8F-3FB7 + BA23-3727 + D0AE-4FFF Always fight Sub-Zero14 CE8F-3FB7 + BA23-3727 + D9AE-4FFF Always fight Stryker15 CE8F-3FB7 + BA23-3727 + D1AE-4FFF Always fight Sindel16 CE8F-3FB7 + BA23-3727 + D5AE-4FFF Always fight Sektor17 CE8F-3FB7 + BA23-3727 + D6AE-4FFF Always fight Cyrax18 CE8F-3FB7 + BA23-3727 + DBAE-4FFF Always fight Kung Lao19 CE8F-3FB7 + BA23-3727 + DCAE-4FFF Always fight Kabal20 CE8F-3FB7 + BA23-3727 + D8AE-4FFF Always fight Sheeva21 CE8F-3FB7 konbat BA23-3727 + DAAE-4FFF Always fight Shang Tsung22 CE8F-3FB7 + BA23-3727 + D2AE-4FFF Always fight Liu Kang23 CE8F-3FB7 + BA23-3727 + D3AE-4FFF Always fight Smoke24 CE8F-3FB7 + BA23-3727 + DEAE-4FFF Always fight Motaro25 CE8F-3FB7 + BA23-3727 + FDAE-4FFF Always fight Shao Kahn26 CE8F-3FB7 + BA23-3727 + FFAE-4FFF Always fight Noob-Saibot MKKSG - Mortal Kombat II - Codes CodesArcade Super Nintendo Genesis 32XSaturn GameGear GameBoy PCArcade:(Most Arcade cheats are compatible with most other versions)Top 15 Players:During attract mode, pull on either joystick.Random Select:At select screen, press ( + Start) to have a character selected at random for you.Disable Throws:When the VS screen comes up, press ( + HP) on both joysticks.Dead Pool Trick:As the skeleton comes up from the acid, hit and the skeleton will give kombatt gurgling "ohhhhh".Kombat Tomb Trick:Right after sending your opponent to the spikes in the Kombat Tomb Stage Fatality, hit mortal kombat 2 game genie codes snes gams controllers.Your opponent will slide right off!Fight Smoke:Play in a 1 or 2 player mode until you reach the Portal.When you do, gwnie your opponent until you see Dan Forden and hear "Toasty."Quickly press ( + Start) while he is on the screen to go to Goro's Lair and fight Smoke.Fight Jade:Fight your way up the tournament until you reach the fighter just under the question mark.Defeat the opponent only using LK.You will go to Goro's Lair to fight Jade.Fight Noob Saibot:Get 50 wins in a row to travel to Goro's Lair and fight against Noob Saibot.(25 wins on Sega Genesis and 32X, however 50 wins on Sega Saturn)Play Pong:Fight in VS mode for 250 times.

You will play against your opponent in Pong.Return to TopSuper Nintendo:Beat up the Logo:When you turn on the SNES, hold L and R together.Watch Shao Kahn and Kintaro beat up the Acclaim logo.Elimination Mode:At the main menu, hold L and R and press Start.This code will enable an 8-player elimination mode.30 Credits:At the character select screen, quickly pressSelect.If you did it right you'll hear a gong sound.Super Damage:Enter Select at the character select screen.This code will enable a mode in which every hit does much more damage to your opponent than normal.Extended Fatality Time:Enter at the character select screen.This code will give you 4 times as much time to enter a Fatality movement.Fight Noob Saibot (The Easy Way):At the character select screen, enter .This code will take you straight to fight the ominous secret character, Noob Saibot.Fight Jade (The Easy Way):At the character select screen, enter .This code will take you straight to fight the deadly female ninja, Jade.Fight Smoke (The Easy Way):At the character select geine, enter Select.This code will take you straight to fight the cofes male ninja, Smoke.Fight Kintaro (The Easy Way):At the character select screen, enter Select.This code will take you straight to fight Kintaro.Fight Shao Kahn (The Easy Way):At the character select screen, enter .This code will take you straight to fight Shao Kahn.Return to TopSega Genesis:Test Mode Debug Code:To access the debug menu, go to the Start/Options screen and select the Options menu.Put the cursor on "Done!!" and press code .A new entry in the Options menu called "Test Modes" will appear.TEST MODES (1)No Damage to P1No Damage to P21 Hit Kills P11 Hit Kills P2TEST MODES (2)Free Play (infinite kredits)Background # (choose a background to play on)Battleplan # (choose which position you Start at on the kombat ladder)Soak Test (demo kombat)(Background #'s=1 = Acid Nortal = Kombat Tomb3 = The Wasteland4 = The Tower5 = The Forest6 = The Armory7 = Pit II8 = Red Portal9 = Kahn's Arena10 = Blue Portal)(Battleplan #'s=14 = Fight Kintaro15 = Fight Shao Kahn)TEST MODES (3)Fatalities (computer does fatality every time if it wins against you)Friendship (computer does friendship every time if it wins against you)Babalities (computer does Babality every time if it wins against you)Oooh, Nasty!

(gives you access to a strange new fatality. the Fergality!)Fergality:To do a fergality, enter Test Mode, then change the background to 6 and enable the "Ooh Nasty" option.Next choose Raiden as your character and finish your opponent with B, B, B, BL.Pizza Man:Activate Test Mode, and choose NO DAMAGE TO PLAYER 1.Then enter the contest with Shang Tsung.When the guy who says "Toasty" comes out he will resemble a pizza like creature.Warp to Shao Kahn:At the Options menu, press A, B, C, C, C, B, B, A, A, A, A.When Shao Kahn appears, quickly press B to go to the final stage.Play as Smoke:To play as Smoke, you must have a Game Genie.Attach Mortal Kombat 2 to the Game Genie and enter the password: B4MT-BE76.Start the game, then switch to Controller two.Choose your character, and when you go into battle you will be Smoke.Return to TopSega 32X:Test Mode:At the Options screen, jortal Done and press .A new set of options will appear.Return to TopSega Saturn:Cheat Menu:For a special cheat menu, go to the Story Screen and press A B, Y, C.A new menu selection will appear on the Start screen.Return to TopSega Game Gear:Random Select:Highlight Liu Kang and press ( + Start).Jax's Stun:When you are Jax, press F, F, 2 within throwing range of your opponent.Sub-Zero Fatality Trick:At the select screen, choose Sub-Zero.

Begin to fight.Then, just before the "Finish Him/Her" motal Get a FREE iPad or MacBook Air!!!!!!! Mortal Kombat 2 Books: How to Win at Super NES Games - Super NES Games Secrets Conquering SNES Games809C9E5D Blood Sprays out of the wrong places. (I.E. High punch to head makes knees bleed) 80B52A97 Scorpion's "Flame" Fatality Randomly Altered. - one is normal - another is "Victim Spared" - yet a third is "Watch ME Explode" 80FD5048 Kang fireball 82DA9F8D Disable throws-2-player mode 83906CD9 Lui Kang has stationary fireball.

THis fireball will explode upon impact of opponent. You can shoot several fireballs achieving many hits at once when opponent touches it. 83A02FAD Infinite continues quit83A13380 Infinite time83B12D00 Sub-Zero's ground freeze has strange teleportation effect.83B2A001 Start snnes 0 continues 83B2A003 Start with 2 continues 83B2A007 Start with 6 continues 83B2A009 Start with 8 continues 83E0ABA5 Kung Lao's Air Kick Causes Multi-Hit 75% damage.

83F1F520 Altered fatalities 83F3AD7F Projectiles and other special moves create neon artwork of Kung Lao. 849D6400 Player 1 is killed by one hit849D68AD Unlimited energy for player one 849D7400 Player 2 or computer is codfs by one hit 849D78AD Player 2 or computer is invincible CE8304FA Music Variation CE836480 Music faster.

Porky pig announcer.009060BE15D04917 Altered fatalities009070B415D039DC Scorpions altered fatality00C040BE15C009D1 Infinite time00D000B215C0098B Player 1 is invincible2CD147445C814867 Altered fatality83AF82A983AF8300 Always fight Kung Lao83AF82A983AF8301 Always fight Lui Kang83AF82A983AF8302 Always fight Cage83AF82A983AF8303 Always fight Baraka83AF82A983AF8304 Always fight Kitana83AF82A983AF8305 Always fight Mileena83AF82A983AF8306 Always fight Shang Tsung83AF82A983AF8307 Always fight Rayden83AF82A983AF8308 Always fight Sub-Zero83AF82A983AF8309 Always fight Reptile83AF82A983AF830A Always fight Scorpion83AF82A983AF830B Always fight Jax83AF82A983AF830C Always fight Kintaro83AF82A983AF830D Always fight Shao Kahn83AF82A983AF830E Always fight Smoke83AF82A983AF830F Always fight Noob Saibot83AF82A983AF8310 Always fight JadeNintendo VideosCodes Game Shark Game Genie FAQs PAR Printing tips Home E-Mail UsPrivacy Statement Buy Nintendo Wii - Buy Nintendo DS - Buy Video GamesMidSummer 3DS DS iOS PC PS3 PS4 PSP Vita Wii U Xbox 360 Xbox One More�Systems� Android� Ouya� Arcade� PlayStation� Dreamcast� PlayStation 2� Game Boy Advance� Saturn� GameCube� Super Nintendo� Genesis� Wii� NES� Xbox� Nintendo 64� And 96 More. Glitch/Secret List by RatMore for Mortal Kombat II (SNES):� FAQs and Walkthroughs (17)� FAQ/Move List (ARC) by SirGalahad� Short Move List (ARC) by Poln� FAQ/Move List by CBaus� FAQ/Move List by MChinn� FAQ/Move Kombah (ARC) by GBugher� See all FAQs� Cheats and Secrets (19)� Answers (5)� Ask your own question!� Reviews (25)� Message Board Mortal Kombat II for SNES glitch/secret listBONUS: OCF's Mortal Kombat II Game Genie Codes version 4.0Filename: mk2snes.v09December 9th, 1994Revision 9Send comments/additions/corrections to (that's me).-What's New (changes since the last revision) -* Assimilated OCF's MK2 Game Genie Codes into this file.* New glitches* New stuff is marked with -Coming soon -* A FAQ of MK 1 arcade glitches, as soon as me and AL can get some free time!* Rats will take over the world with me as thier leader.-Overview -Why not a FAQ?Secret Select codesAlternative intro to gameTournament modeGame genie codesBugs/Glitches that keep the game interestingKreditsComments/additions/corrections-Why not a FAQ?

-Somebody else already did a FAQ.The FAQ contains all the arcade moves, fatalities, etc.Mine only has SNES specific codes, cheats, etc.-Secret Select codes -These codes work in 1 Player mode only.

(except for "extend fatality time")You can combine any code that doesn't involve getting to a secret character.In other words, if you do the code to get to Kintaro, then do the code to getto Smoke, you will just end up fighting Smoke.While at the screen where you choose your character, push the followingdirections followed by select. You can do it anytime before snws players havechosen their character.

As soon motral you hit select after doing the movements,you will hear the same exact sound that you hear when you choose yourcharacter (same pitch and everything). If you are not hearing the sound afterpressing select, try it faster (you have to be fast). You can also combineany code except for the ones that involve skipping to secret characters. Forexample you mortwl fight Shao Kahn and win with an uppercut and a jump kick(Super Strength + Fight Shao Kahn).Example: Down-Up-Right-Up-Left-Select will give you super strength.D U R U Codex = Super Strength- CPU only.

Your hits 4X damage, their's 1/4 damageL U R D L = 30 KreditsU U L U D = Extends time to do the fatality/friendship/babality/pit/spikesR U U R L = Skip to Shao Kahn. Just as if you got there legally.The following codes work as follows. You play the named character, and youplay them forever until you lose (get the "push start to continue" screen).At that point you play someone else, then play the game normally (as in playingagainst Shang Tsung until you win the game) just as if you got there legally.U L U U R = Skip to Smoke, then play from Shang Tsung.U D D L R = Skip to Jade, then smoke, then play from Shang Tsung.L U D D R = Skip to Noob Saibot, then Smoke, then play from Shang Tsung.U D D R R = Skip to Kintaro, then play from Shao Kahn.hey dummy, don't forget to hit select after the movements!-Alternative kkmbat to game -Hold L and R buttons, then reset game.

hold buttons until screen turns red.Shao Kahn comes out, points, taunts, Kintaro comes out, stomps logo, Kahnpoints again, game starts. See it for yourself!-Tournament mode -Hold L and R buttons and hit start at ti

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